Your winner!!!!

23 03 2009


wisconsin family of 4

wisconsin family of 4


Here they are!

The FAM!

Packin’ into the Probe and eating at Culver’s!!!

So there are some extra peeps in the foto, but if you were having the  MOST fun 4-wheelin’, wouldn’t you invite all your relatives and close ones?

I WOULD!!!!!

Go ahead!

Click on the foto!

Friday Fish Fry

13 03 2009

Hey!  It’s Lent!

And we’re in Wisconsin!

So you know what that means…!!!!

No meat Fridays!!!

What will all of us cholerol lovin’ Catholics do?!


online poll time!!

online poll time!!


I thought now would be a good time to create a poll!!!
I mean, let’s face it!  This could be one of SEVERAL dedicated Culver’s fans!

Overweight teen with after school job?

Overweight family of 4 during the season of Lent?

Manager with a receding hairline and keeps it a liiiiittle too long and his girlfriend who never stops chewing gum?


Tune in next week!!!